Lifetime license anydvd software#
The market for copy software has been dropping over the last several years, and SlySoft has effectively saturated the AnyDVD market. They've had to move before so why wouldn't they move again? So in my here's what's really happening.

I can't see an imagined set of original owners abandoning a potentially valuable software simply because of a raid. Consider that no one really knew or knows who the original group was or is outside of Giancarla Bettini, because they've operated incognito. By their own admission they're still the original developers, and in my view they're the original owners as well, because I really don't recall them being a stratified organization. The problem as I see it, is that the new owners are not new. The staff wants to thank everyone for their understanding and wishes everyone the best regardless of the decision they make. There is no purpose in leaving license topics active dating back to slysoft days. That decision was made purely for logistical and oversight reasons. This is nothing personal towards the topic creator or those who responded. In order to not get valid license questions lost in these endless debates, the license section has been CLEANED completely of any and all topics predating the purchase availability annoucement. Starting from this moment moderators may take firmer action to end these debates. Not the staff, and definitely not the user. Continuing these endless debates serves no purpose. Eveything that can be said, has been said and beaten to pulp and then put into a blender to grind some more. However the time for endlessly discussing the same things over and over again will come to an end. Now that purchase is available, everyone has a choice to make. So does anyone else have an opinion on this or do we just go along with their charade as though nothing's changed?

Lifetime license anydvd update#
I have the latest update that still carries my license, and I will use it as long as it proves useful, but unless the "sly redfox" group levels with it's supporters, then I'm done. If they are in fact the original developers then they've reneged on the original promised licenses, and hoped to escape it by claiming to be newly formed. If the current owners are new then those who established it are gone, and AnyDVD's reputation along with it. But they chose instead to use a cover story about how some of the original members needed a job, and as a result decided to keep things going. If they needed money then they could've asked for it and many of us would've donated to them just as we did to DVD Rebuilder. What could possibly have SlyRedFox, honoring the original agreement for a few updates, and then reneging on it with the arrival of versions 8? Apparently the word lifetime has different meanings depending on who's interpreting it. All seemed well until the 8.x.x.x updates when I received the message that my license was no longer valid, and I would have to purchase a new lifetime license. Even though I don't use AnyDVD much anymore, I was relieved because I felt I had encountered an old lost friend.
Lifetime license anydvd download#
I immediately went to download the latest update, while wondering if my old license would still work, and it did. But here's where the tale gets broken!ĪnyDVD resurfaces with the new moniker of RedFox, with the SlyFox logo now wearing a mask which seems increasingly appropriate as the Phoenix rises from its ashes. To many of us it was a believable tale, because they've been there before, and it's quite possible they've found themselves there again. But then they Resurface as RedFox (I preferred Slysoft), and did a song and dance about how they were forced shut, and then they reasserted their new albeit connected to the past credentials. As many of you know, well at least some of you know that AnyDVD has closed its doors, or at least that's what they claim.